Low Academic Performance of Athletes

Hello everyone! 😊 This time, I will be writing about the academic performance of most athletes and some reasons why certain circumstances happen. 

The Poor Academic Performance of Most Athletic Pupils

          Athletic pupils’ academic performance differs compared to a typical pupil. Mostly, they are out from the class due to frequent training and practices. In addition, there were almost as less than one week or more in which they competed in other places, leaving their responsibilities as a pupil out from the spotlight. Typically, most of them got low scores from tests and assessment; they are even left behind during class discussions and activities. Hence, time management is their major dilemma while keeping themselves active on the sports or fields that they do best.
          In the school that I am teaching, I met and knew several of them. It is either they are in one of my class at the present or they had been my pupils before. To be frank, only a few of them excel in academics, most of them got low scores during exams and quizzes. The saddest excuse I ever had was, they didn’t have the time to do reviews especially when the competitions were just right around the corner. Generally, being an athlete alone doesn’t justify to that, I suppose they also have their own responsibilities at home.

          Tardiness and absenteeism can be both linked to results of being engaged in athletics or other fields. Teachers observed that they came to class late, sometimes, they were out for particular days or week, and what is not good on this is that most of the athletes don’t help themselves to cope with the situation. Although they were excused from class activities, it doesn’t mean that they would not double their time learning those concepts they missed.
          The results of their frequent absents from the class linked directly to low scores in test results and highly unmotivated during class discussion due to inconsistent attendance in school. In some schools’ policy, their athlete pupils will not be given any discount if they were not able to maintain such grades. In connection with this, chances like negotiations to the teacher to pass the pupils in the exchange of something would happen.

          Time management and support from their respective parents must be given an emphasis to the success of the both fields in academic and extracurricular. In my observation, not all athletes behave in this way. There are few of them actually excel in both fields, thus, gives us the perspective that they can both do best in the two fields. In conclusion, the support from both parents and teachers and the strong motivation of the pupils to learn are very crucial in achieving the success of their endeavors.



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